

Have you ever pondered endlessly over a million sites to download your song, and after million clicks(: you get to download it but at a speed that you can probably have a nap!?

I have been through, the same.

So I thought of making a blog, through which everyone can download their favorite songs in just a single click.

Though i don't live in India, but i love Indian songs, and music is my passion. So I will be posting songs of some of the great movies, and you can download it in one go!

Neither HindiSongss.blogspot.com nor blogger hosts any of the files available on this blog. Neither Have I uploaded these Mp3s nor own any of the servers on which these files are hosted. These are meant for Previeiw purposes only. These links are to the sites which offer the songs freely. So please check your region's/state's/nation's alowance to download the copyright materials before downloading.

Music Freak!